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Knowledge of Hydraulic oil filtration

Water and gas are in two forms in oil-dissolved water and gas (below the saturation point) exist in most oil-using systems and equipment, while free water and gas (above the saturation point) exist in many oils in.

Due to the leakage of the system, the lack of sealing, the long-term heat load of the oil, the open oil storage, etc., the moisture and gas in the air settle in the oil, resulting in water and gas in the oil.

Due to the entry of particles and dust in the air leakage of the system, the falling off of the system abrasion dust, and the long-term operation of the oil under high temperature and water content will inevitably lead to the decomposition and deterioration of part of the oil and the gelatinous substance.

The hazards of water, gas and impurities:

The oil is rapidly oxidized and deteriorated to produce acidic substances, which corrode metal contact surfaces;

The additive precipitation in the oil fails, and the thickness of the lubricating film decreases, and the mechanical wear increases;

Reduced lubrication, cooling, and flow properties accelerate metal surface fatigue;

The ice crystals formed at low temperature block the components and reduce the rigidity of the system;

The system response is slow and the conduction performance of irregular actions is reduced;

The temperature of the oil is higher and it can not be cooled

Oil pumps and power equipment are damaged due to cavitation

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