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How is Diesel filter maintenance?

1. Replace the diesel grid every 100 to 200 hours (5000 to 10000 kilometers).

2. When installing a new spin-on oil filter, first apply a thin layer of oil on the surface of the sealing ring, and then tighten the filter by hand but not more than 3/rev. If you are not sure, you can also start the engine and run it for 2~3 minutes, check for oil leaks.

3. The oil grade is specified in the instructions. Try not to use low-quality diesel.

4. Check the oil dipstick (oil level) every week. Check the oil color, thickening and thinning.

5. When the engine is running, pay attention to adhere to the quality of the diesel oil. Once a problem occurs, please replace it in time


According to the structure, the diesel grid can be divided into replaceable, spin-on, and centrifugal; according to the arrangement in the system, it can be divided into full flow and split flow. The filter materials used in the diesel grid include filter paper, felt, metal mesh, non-woven fabric, etc.

Working mechanism

Just like the blood circulation system of the heart, the diesel oil in the diesel pump is constantly filtered. In this process, many unexpected impurities are often produced, and such unclean substances need to be filtered by diesel.

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