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Filter marekt-Fierce competition and enterprises move to supporting market

Since China's accession to the WTO, the rapid development of China's automobile industry has stimulated the rapid development of the filter industry. It is estimated that the total demand for automotive filters in my country will increase to 1.16 billion sets in 2020. With the gradual expansion of the number and scale of production enterprises, the level of filter technology is also constantly improving. Filters that meet the latest emission standards have been successfully developed and mass-produced. The huge filter market has attracted the attention of many manufacturers, and domestic and foreign companies have joined the increasingly competitive market. In particular, competition in the after-sales market has become more intense.

According to the analysis of the forward-looking production network, the main reasons are as follows: First, the filter is a vulnerable part and needs to be replaced regularly, so the sales volume in the after-sales market is very large. Second, there are many manufacturers in the automotive filter industry in my country, and the scale is generally small, the concentration of brands is very low, and the competition in the filter after-sales market is particularly fierce.

There are many reasons for the shortage of filters. From a macro perspective, the continuous growth of investment in fixed assets has led to the rapid development of the construction machinery industry, and the expansion of domestic demand has provided the most direct driving force for the market development of large-scale engineering filters. Although the country has repeatedly stepped up its macro-control efforts, in the face of a huge market demand base, the demand will undoubtedly be an astonishing number. In addition, with the continuous development of the international market, the export volume of products has doubled in the past two years, and the export value of Chinese engineering lifts has accounted for 25% of the total sales.

The production capacity of filters is far behind the growth rate of demand. When talking about the situation of most filter manufacturers, the president of a well-known foreign filter manufacturer said: "Customers are waiting in line for delivery, but we are struggling for those limited parts. We are working hard. Work to solve the bottleneck problems of each manufacturer one by one, so as to make full use of the existing sites to produce more products." This phenomenon of short supply caused by long supply cycles will continue to plague large-scale engineering filters worldwide Market, especially in the Chinese market where demand is so strong.

The filter protects the engine by filtering the air, oil and fuel entering the engine, and also improves the working efficiency of the engine. It is an essential part of the car engine. In view of the direct matching relationship between automotive filters and the entire vehicle (or engine), with the rapid development of my country's automotive industry, the rapid increase in vehicle ownership has provided a broad market space for automotive filters in my country.

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