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What's fuel element function?

Vehicle engines are basically internal combustion engines, mainly using gasoline and diesel fuel. As a fuel, there must be certain requirements for the quality and cleanliness of the oil. Due to refining and processing reasons, the finished fuel contains a certain amount of impurities, moisture and gums. The function of the fuel filter is to filter out these impurities in the fuel and supply clean fuel to the engine. If the fuel filter is poor, the debris in the gasoline will easily block the small holes in the carburetor, causing the carburetor to work poorly, and the combustible mixture will become thin; the debris in the diesel will enter the fuel injection pump, which will easily accelerate the wear of the precision parts. , Make the pump oil pressure drop. If the water and gum in the fuel enter the cylinder, it will cause the combustible mixture to burn badly and reduce the engine's power. The gasoline filter generally has only one stage and is installed between the gasoline tank and the gasoline pump or between the gasoline pump and the carburetor. Since there are three precision parts in the diesel engine supply system, the cleanliness of diesel is high, and the content of colloid in diesel is relatively high. In order to improve filtration efficiency, diesel filters generally have two or even more than two levels. Diesel coarse and fine filters are also called oil-water separators and diesel fine filters. They are installed between the diesel tank and the fuel transfer pump, and between the fuel transfer pump and the fuel injection pump. Some diesel engines are also equipped with a sedimentation cup to precipitate the moisture and impurities in the diesel.

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