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Air filter Performance

Water separation efficiency

Refers to the ratio of the separated moisture to the moisture in the air at the inlet. Generally, the water separation efficiency of the air filter is not less than 80%. The main effect of the water separation efficiency is the deflector.

Air filters have different filtration efficiencies with different concentrations.

(1) Weight efficiency The dust concentration is expressed by mass concentration (g/m³)

(2) Counting efficiency The dust concentration is expressed by counting concentration (pc/L)

(3) Sodium flame efficiency Use sodium chloride solid particles as the dust source. The concentration of sodium chloride particles was measured by a photoelectric flame photometer. Sodium flame efficiency is equivalent to counting efficiency.

Filter resistance

The resistance of the new filter under the rated air volume is called the initial resistance; under the rated air volume, the resistance when the dust holding capacity of the filter is large enough to clean or replace the filter material is called the final resistance.

Dust holding capacity of the filter

Under the rated air volume, when the resistance of the filter reaches the final resistance, the total mass of dust particles contained in it is called the dust holding capacity of the filter.

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