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How to choose Return or Circulating filter element?

Return oil filter element

The oil return filter element is arranged on the oil return pipeline of the system. Its function is to filter the newly generated or externally invaded dirt in the system before returning it to the fuel tank. Therefore, it is the most effective position to control the pollution degree of the system. Although it is in a low-pressure pipeline, pulsation or pressure shock may also occur according to the operating conditions of the transmission device. Therefore, the requirements for the filter element should be strictly in accordance with the seven standards.

Circulating filter element

The circulating filter element is located on the oil tank circulation loop and is often used in systems with strict cleaning requirements. Even if the system stops working, the system can be started to minimize system pollution. Therefore, a fine filter element with a higher filtration ratio is required. If the system is equipped with a cooler, the temperature of the system can be lowered and maintenance is convenient.

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