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What's oil suction filter and high-pressure pipeline filter?

The oil suction filter element is arranged on the suction pipe of the pump to filter out the residue in the oil tank and the dirt that enters the oil tank through the air inlet. Play the role of protecting the pump. In order to avoid the cavitation of the oil pump, the resistance of the filter element should be small. Generally, 100-200 mesh or finer metal wire woven mesh or notched metal wire material is used to wrap the filter element. It can not control the micro-particle pollution in the system.

High-pressure pipe filter element

The filter element of the high-pressure pipeline filter is set on the pump outlet pipe to filter out the dirt in the suction oil, protect the cleanliness of the system, and maintain a constant pollution degree of the system. Due to high pressure pulsation and pressure shock, the strength of the filter element must meet the ISO3724 experimental requirements.

Hydraulic parts that are particularly sensitive to pollutants, such as slide valves, valves, etc., must be in front of them in order to avoid pollutants. The beta value of the filter element is small, and the ratio must be greater than or equal to 75. The selection of filter materials should also be cautious. . In addition to the seven safety standards, the filter element itself is high and cannot fall off.

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